Wednesday, May 6, 2009

ACTIVITY 2 NOTES – Table Activity: Picture Activity on Future Learning

Facilitator question to participants:
“If you were born today, what hopes, dreams and aspirations would you have for your learning in the next 20 years?” (Click here to pick an image to reflect your ideal learning experience?)

Use name/url to identify the image /photo selected and the identifier e.g., Rainbow and identifier.

Then make a comment on "What this photo represents for your hopes for future learning?"


  1. A51 Mother and Son using labtopMay 19, 2009 at 6:54 PM

    That future learning is full of technollogy and using that technoligy to teach our children how to learn. It is also important for parents to help educate there children not only of the benifits of technollogy but also the harms of technollogy used in the wrong way.

  2. B14 Space Shuttle LaunchMay 19, 2009 at 6:55 PM

    The space shuttle launch represents that the sky is the limit as far as how we deliver education, as long as we maintain the standard and get the end results we are looking for. However, in order to have the rocket launch into space, we need to have all the partners on board (student, parents, teachers, administrators and specialists) if so needed.Looking to the future, the opportunities are endless as long as a person has a desire to learn and keeps an open mind.

  3. B2 Egypt the great SphinxMay 19, 2009 at 8:00 PM

    I would hope to learn about great civilizations and the history of the world as well as local and family history. I would like to learn lessons from history not just the stories selected by the teacher but stories that tell the complete story. I would like to learn about great men and women of the past to inspire me to greatness as a person.

  4. 28 Kneading DoughMay 21, 2009 at 5:44 PM

    Through the next twenty years, I would envision myself as the bread, a combination of vital ingredients that will change form several times as my experiences mould me and shape me into a new form with each step. Others will knead me as I come to the experiences, I will experience the sensory opportunities to interact with my environment and develop as I go, and in the longer run, a product of many processes will emerge to be helpful in wherever life takes me.

  5. B4 People Viewing Starry SkyMay 21, 2009 at 5:49 PM

    In 20 years I hope that there's more technology for special needs students. I'm a special needs student and I work better on the computer then I do on pencil and paper. I hope technology advances go up in the future not down. There doesn't seem to be as many typing classes as there was when I was in grade 5, I think this needs to change. Technology is changing everyday and I for one am very happy that it's changing for the better.

  6. B32 Grandfather and Grandchild Walking in GardenMay 21, 2009 at 5:50 PM

    I would like to learn in a one-to-one setting; wilderness survival from a guide in Alaska, shoe-making from a cobbler in Italy, new technologies for performing an angiogram(all via computer, of course). But I could learn from anyone, anywhere in the world, as well as where my teacher is coming from, you know, get to walk a mile in his shoes!

  7. A28 Man Making a Ceramic PotMay 21, 2009 at 6:10 PM

    This picture reflects my school experience and especially the effects of my teachers. Teachers ought to be good sculptures of children's minds. It is my hope that schools in the future and the education system will be effective at molding students into productive members of society who take advantage of all the educational experiences we enjoy in Canada.
