Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Activity 5 - Table Activity: Qualities and Ablilities of an Albertan in the 21st Century

Facilitator questions and directions to participants:

What qualities and abilities will an Albertan need in 2029? Note: It is not important to distinguish between “qualities” and “abilities.”

Put your group number in the name/url and then list as many qualities and abilities as desired separated by commas.

Optional Group Activity: What did we see in common? What common themes do we see?

Look at the comments for your group and develop themes for the comments. Next use name/url to identify your theme for a new comment and copy all the comments for that theme to the new comment.


  1. communication skills; math skills; compueter skills and new technologies, inter-personal relationships;

  2. Critically thinking,loyalty to friends and family, good moral values,reading, writing, basic math,honesty, and people who are trustworthy .

  3. A sense of curiosity is critical, an inquisitive nature.
    An ability and opportunity to think creatively and critically, and both effectively.
    An attitude of respect, acceptance of differences, and a capacity to sort things out independently.
    A solid base of how to use facts in learning.
    A skillset that supports exploration and sifting what is important.
    A knowledge of the importance of trust, and the value of trustworthiness first.
    A connectedness with the earth, and a sense of place in that relationship, a stewardship of the limited resources of our planet.
    Understanding of the importance of community, and the importance of integrity in each member to make it serve all well.
    A desire to succeed and make the world a better place.

  4. leadership skills, computer skills, honesty, loyalty to family and all women, high school diploma a must, community friendship, co-worker friendship, basic math skills,basic writing skills, respect towards animals.

  5. the ability to change on a constant and rapid basis w/o being stressed. being able to learn new things in a constantly changing environment. have the ability to incorporate the most applicable of past learning and skills with new concepts.

  6. Adaptability in a changing world will be fundamental.
    Integrity in relationships, both family and community, based on respect and loyalty.
    Establishing levels of achievement that facilitate further learning.
    Think green, connect with the environment.
    Individualized skillset to foster exploration and self-learning.

  7. Ability to discern what is best for them and society, Ablity to learn from history, and their heritage. (both positive and negative lessons).
